Biciklijada Ćirinom Prugom Zavala – Trebinje
𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐢 𝐳𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐣𝐞𝐭𝐮 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮❓ Da, taj mali prelijepi turistički gradić na jugu je spreman za prve bicikliste, a mi u Trebinje stižemo biciklirajući Ćirinom prugom iz Zavale.
Biciklistički klub “Vučji Zub” i udruga “HerzegovinaBike” najavljuju biciklijadu “Ćirinom prugom Zavala – Trebinje” koja će se održati u nedelju 23.03.2025. sa početkom u 11.00h ispred restorana Zavala u Zavali. Biciklijada se realizira uz financijsku potporu: Općine Ravno, Spilje Vjetrenica, tvrtke HT Eronet, Continental Tires, Škoda Apolo, agencije REDAH i Capriolo SC Mostar , a u cilju promocije „Južne Hercegovine i Uskotračne pruge Ćiro“.
Druga po redu Ćirina biciklijada u 2025 godini vodi nas od Zavale do Trebinja, stazom u dužini od 45km u jednom pravcu. U oba pravca nakupiti ćemo nekih 90km, no nemojte da vas kilometraža prepadne, jer staza je potpuno ravna i životopisna sa prelijepim krajolicima. Kao što smo kazali ovo jedna jako lijepa dionica, gdje srećemo velik broj Ćirinih stanica, kao i onu najljepšu i najveću “HUM”, gdje ćemo svakako napraviti pauzu za okrijepu i obilazak. Ponavljamo, dionica je potpuno ravna (možete zaboraviti na fizički umor), a kolege iz Trebinja su se već par puta pokazali kao izvrsni domaćini, tako da nas svakako očekuje zabava, druženje i bogat sadržaj. Biciklijadu završavamo u starom gradu Trebinju, sa obilaskom grada uz turističkog vodiča, a prije toga svakako nezaobilazn je posjet Ćiri – vlaku koji još stoji i prkosi vremenu, gdje ćemo napraviti zajedničku fotografiju. Na ovoj biciklijadi ugostiti će nas Grad Trebinje, Turisticka Organizacija Grada Trebinja i Biciklistički klub Vučji zub.
The bike ride starts in front of the Zavala restaurant in Zavala, where all participants have a large parking lot at their disposal and can park their vehicles and refresh themselves in the Zavala restaurant until the start of our bike ride. The start of the bike ride and the beginning of our socializing is planned for 11:00 a.m., and the bike ride goes along the route where Ćiro traveled in the past in a length of 45 km from Zavala to Trebinje, or 90 km in the total length of the bike ride. It is important to mention that the section is flat and not physically demanding, and all participants will have a van to accompany them in case they feel too much cycling. There is also an option for a van to transfer those who find 90 km too much from Trebinje to Zavala. The participants of the cycling event will also have at their disposal 8 volunteers, experienced cyclists who will take care of the safety of all participants during cycling and take care of any unforeseen situation and remove it as soon as possible, as well as a police escort in dangerous places, where there is increased vehicle traffic.
The entire route has an asphalted surface on which, in addition to MTB bikes, you can also ride trekking or road bikes. It is suitable for all cyclists, since the route and rhythm of the ride are easy and suitable for the majority.
Volunteers, a service vehicle, photos and video from the bike ride are available to all participants, and they are provided with refreshments, water and first aid in the service vehicle...
In the past, a narrow-gauge railway with a steam locomotive ran from Mostar along the Neretva River, through Čapljina, Popovo polje, Ravno, and in the town of Hum (the main railway junction) it split into two tracks, where one leads to Trebinje, Trebinje and further to Bileća and Nikšić , and the other branch towards Uskoplje (that is, Zelenica and Dubrovnik). It is important to emphasize that in the town of Uskoplje (2km before Ivanica) we had another junction, where one branch goes to Zelenica (Montenegro), and the other to Dubrovnik (Croatia).
Construction of the railway began in 1898 and ended in 1901. During its existence, Ćiro connected places in Herzegovina and brought them life, and today the railway has been reconstructed into a bicycle path.
- Datum: 26.03.2025.
- Start time: 11.00 am
- Trail length: 90 km
- Organizer: BK Vučji Zub
- Tel. +38765004003
- e-mail: bk.vucji.zub@gmail.com
- web: https://www.vucjizub.org/category/biciklisticki-klub-vucji-zub/
- Facebook event: OVDJE
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