Useful links

When you travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina, you must take your passport with you. For most travelers, except from the member states of the European Union, the USA and Canada, a visa is required, which can be obtained at the consular offices and/embassies of Bosnia and Herzegovina around the world. Prices of visas issued in diplomatic and consular offices:

• Single and transit visas cost 31 EUR.
• A multiple-entry visa for up to 90 days costs EUR 57.
• A visa for multiple entries into the country for more than 90 days costs 72 EUR.

In addition to your passport, if you are traveling by car, you must have an international driver's license and a green card.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the currency is the Convertible Mark (KM). The exchange rate according to EUR is; 1 EUR = 1,956 KM. You can make the exchange at any bank or exchange office.

Permitted vehicle speed

The maximum permitted vehicle speed is 90 km/h outside populated areas, and 50 km/h in populated areas.

Working hours:

Normal working hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Najveći dio trgovina radi od 7 do 19 sati.

Korisni brojevi telefona:

Informacije 1188, 1182

Poziv u hitnim slučajevima 112

Policija 122

Vatrogasci 123

Hitna pomoć 124

Točno vrijeme 125

Međunarodni razgovori 1201

Buđenje 1400, 1401

Za pokretne telefone postoje tri operatera; GSMBIH – 061; ERONET- 063 i MOBIS – 065.

Zdravlje i Sigurnost  


Hrana i Piće



Lista stranih veleposlanstava/ambasada u BiH